Eye and ear

Martyn van den Hoek "Auge und Ohr", Buch
Martyn van den Hoek “Auge und Ohr”, Buch

The word “communication” has been used often.

“Music is a language, understood by everyone…” This sentence is often said but hardly understood. When musician and audience would know a little more about it, it would certainly reinforce the mutual understanding.verstehen!

Which grammar reigns within this language? Does a “common” language play an important role here? How to use the old art of convincing auditors through speech (music)? How and what does the eye “hear” and the ear “sees”?

These and other questions are asked and answered in Martyn van den Hoek’s book “Eye and Ear”. 2 CD’s with works from Bach to Messiaen complete the book. Explanations about the recorded compositions can be viewed and heared by using the Cd players’ displays. Time codes shown in the displays correspond to the writings.

Hearing and looking both become activated, it closes the circle.

Martyn van den Hoek
Martyn van den Hoek